Happy Bluehost Customer

Today I had a great customer experience with Bluehost, who serves up this website and a couple others of mine.  They emailed me about a security vulnerability in a file used in a WordPress plugin I have installed, and told me how to remove it.  I wanted to make sure it was gone, so I opened up one of those live chat things, and the rep taught me how to use the File Manager in their control panel to search for files.  The wait to chat with someone was less than 2 minutes.

It’s going to be way more common to find gripes about customer service, because it’s more likely you notice when something goes wrong than when something goes right.  Plus, as a powerless consumer you sometimes feel your only recourse for gross mistreatment is posting a rant on the internet.  I am plenty guilty of that.  So to counterbalance things a bit, I just wanted to say a few kind words about Bluehost.

They are inexpensive, have way more features than I would ever need, have good customer support, and I can’t remember the last time the server went down.  If you are looking for somewhere to host your website, please check them out.


Side note. Next year, go to PAX Dev.  To all my friends there, have fun, and I am looking forward to the stories!

Keith, good luck with your talk, amigo!

Back to work for me…