Escape Goat Featured in “Best of 2011” Lists

ArmlessOctopus – The Top Xbox Live Indie Games of 2011

“It’s the kind of game where the answer is always right in front of your face, even if it takes a few frustrating failures to find it.”

HiddenAudioLog – Xbox Live Indie Game of the Year 2011:

“Escape Goat is the definition of a complete package, and is borderline flawless at what it sets out to achieve. That’s why Escape Goat is not only Hidden Audio Log’s Xbox Live Indie Game of the Year of 2011, but probably the best Xbox Live Indie Game ever.”

Destructoid – Manasteel’s A Better List than Microsoft’s “Best of 2011: Indie Games”:

“Escape Goat is from the same creative developer that gave us the Soul Caster titles. The game offers the players a lot as a puzzle based platformer, especially once you create your own puzzle rooms. As a Goat, you have to escape your persecution with the help of a rat, a magical hat, and a lot of planning. It’s shocking what one single developer can create and this is indeed a good game. “ – Brad Gallaway’s Top 10 of 2011:

“What do you get when you combine a barnyard animal, a wall-climbing mouse and a magic hat? A damned good puzzle game.

IndieGamerChick – Top 10 of All Time (#2 spot):

“It’s clever, punchy, and controls absolutely flawlessly.  It hits all the right notes for what a puzzle-platformer should be.”

Gamezone – Best Xbox Live Indie Games of 2011

“It’s an innocent premise aided by some fantastically clever puzzle-solving gameplay.”

Gamasutra – Best of 2011 – Top 5 Overlooked Games (Honorable Mention)

NeoGAF users seem to like it as well.

Escape Goat Has International Appeal

@StraightRun on Twitter:

“XBOXインディーズ「Escape Goat」が結構な当たり作。固定画面型パズルアクションとしてはソロモンの鍵を彷彿とさせる。ステージエディットもあるみたいだし長く遊べる予感。”

“Escape Goat ruota intorno a meccaniche puzzle ingegnose ma non cervellotiche, ha una curva d’apprendimento perfetta, un ritmo dolce e rilassante, una grafica 8 bit fantastica e una colonna sonora d’atmosfera.”

“Gráfi y sonoramente cumplidor, sobre todo sorprende por la inteligencia de su diseño de niveles, los cuales el usuario puede también realizar gracias al editor.”


“Si Brigitte Bardot devait jouer à un indie-game, je pense que se serait celui-là. Non pas que Escape Goat prône un message luttant contre le port de la fourrure, mais plutôt parce que les deux principaux protagonistes sont issus du royaume animal. “