Back from the Rabbit Hole

GDC is approaching, and I’m showing Escape Goat 2. That gives me less than three weeks to get everything together, meaning I should have something pretty playable in about a week, so I can playtest with a bunch of friends before showing it to the media.

For the most part, the new systems are in place. We’re running in high resolution, lighting and shadow casting is working, even the new world layout is implemented. One major remaining bug is the squish detection, something that has plagued me since the start of the project. I changed enough of the physics system in the upgrade from EG1 to EG2 that squish tolerance isn’t working properly. This means the goat gets squished in places he shouldn’t–such as after a teleport into a corner, or from getting grazed by a falling block. Definitely something that needs to be fixed before GDC.