Escape Goat Has International Appeal

@StraightRun on Twitter:

“XBOXインディーズ「Escape Goat」が結構な当たり作。固定画面型パズルアクションとしてはソロモンの鍵を彷彿とさせる。ステージエディットもあるみたいだし長く遊べる予感。”

“Escape Goat ruota intorno a meccaniche puzzle ingegnose ma non cervellotiche, ha una curva d’apprendimento perfetta, un ritmo dolce e rilassante, una grafica 8 bit fantastica e una colonna sonora d’atmosfera.”

“Gráfi y sonoramente cumplidor, sobre todo sorprende por la inteligencia de su diseño de niveles, los cuales el usuario puede también realizar gracias al editor.”


“Si Brigitte Bardot devait jouer à un indie-game, je pense que se serait celui-là. Non pas que Escape Goat prône un message luttant contre le port de la fourrure, mais plutôt parce que les deux principaux protagonistes sont issus du royaume animal. “


Delighted as These Creatures

Today was one of the great days in my game dev career.  I was featured on both Kotaku and Joystiq, got some great comments on both (as well as on my trailer video), and got one unforgettable email from a fan.

Add to all this, a rendition of the goat & mouse by none other than Michelle Juett of Ska Studios.  A contribution out of the blue that helped today tip the scales of awesomeness.  One more pic and I’m going to need a fan art page…

I’m not really sure what to say yet, I’m just thrilled people seem to be digging the game so far.